The fundamental element used to maintain the cleanliness of tiles is water. Water is classified into two different classes known as hard water and soft water. In hard water, there exist two conditions known as temporary hardness and permanent hardness. Temporary hardness is due to Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate, and permanent hardness is owing to Calcium Carbonate. Both adversely affect the longevity of tiles.

Here are some tips and tricks to effective aftercare of tiles. Let us start by sharing a quick solution on how to eliminate the effect of our water.

A water softener can be installed to reduce the hardness. Water softeners help in reducing the hardness and ensure the reduction of scaling. This helps in A water softener can be installed to reduce the hardness. Water softeners help in reducing the hardness and ensure the reduction of scaling. It helps in enhancing the sheen and thereby minimising the maintenance.

Say no to alkalis and acids as cleaning agents. But people ignorance usually results in using chemicals that are harsh and crude, taking away clusters of tiles. There has been an increase in the usage of algae and acids for decades. Owing to discolouration, corrosion and consequently taking away the newness of tiles. Likewise, it also adds up to environmental pollution.

Here is the solution for the same-

Cleanse using diluted soap water. Diluted soap water acts as a perfect cleanser, as it is minimal side effects, cost-effectiveness and being gentle on skin which makes it a priority. It is advisable to use a tile cleaner as a last resort to maintain the vibrancy of tiles. It prevents any sort of fungal, bacterial formation and scaling.

The easiest solution is to dry mop the wall and floor in constant contact with water. Dry mopping the tiles keeps them moisture free and prevent them from scaling, fungal and bacterial formation.